Thanksgiving is next week and wherever you find yourself on this holiday, may you have an abundance of things to be thankful for. I hope that you are able to enjoy time with your family and friends.
We often spread ourselves too thin, finding ourselves over committed especially during the holiday season, this newsletter has a special article that focuses on stress and how to manage it. The last article in this newsletter is a Raw Foods Apple Pie recipe, which you can introduce to your family members this holiday season as a healthy way to indulge! Keeping yourself healthy through the holiday season is one way to manage your stress. Set up an appointment for an immune booster injection or for a immune supportive plan to keep you healthy through the holiday season.
Dr. Jaspreet Mundeir, ND
Give your immune system a boost with this powerful homeopathic combination injection.
Engystol® and Gripp-heel® are natural and homeopathic remedies that activate the body’s resistance against viral & bacterial infections such as the FLU and common cold.
Immune booster injection clinics are held at Surat Naturopathic, 4-6 pm on the following days:
Wednesday – November 17 & 24, 2010
Tuesday – November 30, 2010
Read what patients have to say about the immune booster injection here.
Price: Engystol® + Gripp-heel® – $35 for 1/ $65 for 2
Call 925.812.4990 to reserve your spot today!
What are the sources of stress in your life? Identifying them is not always easy – often times our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors induce stress. Are you always rushing out the door to get to work on time? Do you cause this stress in your life by pushing the snooze button on the alarm 2 times before getting out of bed? Are you always worried about deadlines at work? Does procrastination contribute to stress at work?
There are things that contribute to stress that we cannot control – our career and family responsibilities, the mortgage payment and other bills that are due. This holiday season, manage your stress by taking a closer look at your habits and excuses and the way you deal with the stresses in your life. When you are feeling stressed out – take a moment and identify the stressor, identify your feelings surrounding the stressor and how you reacted. In relation to each situation – figure out if you can change the situation or change your reaction. There are situations we can control and situations we can’t control, but almost always we can control the way we react to situations.
Everyone approaches and reacts to situations differently, so figure out what makes you feel calm and in control of the situation. You can avoid the stressor by only taking on responsibilities that you can handle, or by keeping people who stress you out at a distance or you can alter the situation by expressing your feelings and being willing to compromise. Proper time management can reduce a lot of stress that most people experience. You can adjust your attitude and adapt to your stressor – adjust your standards and focus on the positive. Being a perfectionist drives up your stress levels as well as of those around you! And if you can’t change the situation – accept it – find the silver lining and share your feelings with a friend or therapist.
Remember to nourish your soul by setting aside time for meditation, relaxation or scheduling a massage. Take some time out of every day to do something you enjoy – gardening, listening to music, scrapbooking or working on your car. Taking care of yourself is a necessity, so establish a healthy routine that includes nourishing food, exercise and getting enough sleep. Making sure that you are healthy will help you manage the stresses in your life better.
Put nuts into a food processer to chop. Put them aside in a mixing bowl. Chop the dates in the food processer. Now mix all ingredients in the food processer until the “dough” is made. Press the dough into a 9 inch glass pie plate.
Chop the nuts in the food processer and place in a mixing bowl. Use the food processer to chop the apples, with the cinnamon and lemon juice. Mix the apples and nuts together and pour it all into the pie shell. It may overflow, but don’t worry because you can always just eat what doesn’t fit. Keep the pie in a refrigerator to keep cool and to set. For best results, serve the next day so that the flavors have time intensify.
**Other suggestions**
If allergic to apples, you can make the pie with pears.
This pie can be difficult to cut, I suggest using a pie cutting utensil to scoop with the crust.
Dr. Jaspreet Mundeir, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in the East Bay Area. She is the owner of East Bay Natural Medicine where she focuses on helping patients achieve their optimal health state using homeopathy, hydrotherapy, nutritional supplements, botanical medicine and bio-identical hormones.
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