The Environmental Working Group ( has published their 2013 Guide to Pesticides in Produce. This list is useful in helping you decide which particular fruits and veggies that you should buy organic. EWG analyzes data from the Department of Agriculture about pesticide residue. Produce that consistently has the highest levels of produce ends up on the Dirty Dozen list. The EWG estimates that you reduce your exposure to pesticides by 80% if you shop ogranic when purchasing the produce listed on the Dirtzy Dozen list. Produce that consistently tests for the lowest levels of produce makes it to the Clean Fifteen list. Looking to stretch your grocery money? Buy the produce listed on the Clean Fifteen list – conventional.
Buying organic produce doesn’t just mean that we are exposed to less pesticides, it means that farm workers were not exposed to these harmful chemicals. It also means that the soil is healthier and we leave a cleaner earth for future generations.
Dirty Dozen Plus +:
Clean Fifteen-
Download the PDF here.
Visit Environmental Working Group for more information or to download the Guide to Pesticides in Produce as an app on your phone.
Dr. Jaspreet Mundeir, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in the East Bay Area. She is the owner of East Bay Natural Medicine where she focuses on helping patients achieve their optimal health state using homeopathy, hydrotherapy, nutritional supplements, botanical medicine and bio-identical hormones.
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